How To Start Blogging Consistently

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For the past few days, I’ve been wondering why I’m SO terrible at blogging. I mean, my consistency is off-the-charts low… So, I dug deep and found some interesting answers. If you have the same problem, I think this might help you. First things first: Why should you blog? To get clients for your business… To demonstrate your expertise… To … Read More

1-Minute Copywriting Tip: Content + Leads

gerrydimova1-Minute Copywriting Tips, Real-life examplesLeave a Comment

If I wanted to summarize the state of content marketing, I’d only need 5 words: Content, content, content… Publish MORE! For many businesses, the strategy is still “publish and pray” (pray you get leads). But marketing is no spiritual endeavor. So, I want to share a more down-to-earth strategy with you. The example   The website we’re looking at is … Read More

1-Minute Copywriting Tip: “Personal Email”

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Do you “personalize” your automated emails? I’m asking you because email personalization is a big… buzzword right now. But here’s the kicker: personalization is not about using the {First Name} placeholder in every email. And it’s not about fancy email software either. The example   Check out the email I got from online survey tool Survicate. It’s obviously automated but … Read More

1-Minute Copywriting Tip: Headlines

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Today’s topic is headlines. And there’s really one important thing I wanted to tell you about them: Headlines must attract attention. Period. Sadly, large font size won’t quite cut it: A bland 72pt headline is useless. To grab attention, your headlines need a hook. So, I want to show you 1 very effective headline hook. The example   We’re looking … Read More

1-Min Copywriting Tip: Loss Vs Gain

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Do you know who has a tough job? Your call to action! I bet you didn’t see that coming 🙂 It’s because your CTA has to do the final push. It has to convince people to actually click. If the CTA fails, all your other copy is useless. The example Check out this brilliant call to action from Liam Austin’s … Read More

1-Minute Copywriting Tip: Copy Structure

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Today I’m going to show you the basic structure of persuasive copy. The example Check out this screenshot from the Leaving Work Behind website by Tom Ewer. This email subscribe form is actually a cute little sales pitch! Let’s dissect it. So, how does Tom persuade you to get on his email list? First, he points out the problem: Many … Read More